In our forty-plus years’ journey of dedication, perseverance and meticulous execution of projects and engineering tasks, Horema has garnered a list of illuminous clients that includes elite engineering consultancies and the top players in the field of construction in Egypt


“It is worth mentioning that Horema has performed its services in an extremely professional and edicated manner. The field and laboratory crews assigned to Horema’s effort were extremely cooperative and
punctual and displayed tremendous knowledge and problem solving skills”.
“Horema’s field and laboratory staff has carried out all the work with a high level of accuracy and speed. Their knowledge and experience was to our full satisfaction. Metcalf and Eddy has no hesitation in
recommending Horema Co. for soil investigation and QC to execute field, laboratory and quality control for any other company”.
“Horema, Ltd was contracted by NMDC to conduct 15 boreholes along the New Suez Canal. The depths of these boreholes were in the range of 40-45 m. Horema managed the scope in a very short period of time, their performance is excellent. fter drilling, all samples were analyzed in orema labs in Alexandria, all the tests and reports were done ccording to international standards. We thank Horema Ltd for their services and recommend them for any soil investigation campaign in Egypt.”
“The Arab Contractors Company, Alexandria Branch, certifies that Horema company for soil investigations and Q.C. in
lexandria has executed echanical field logs and performed soil nvestigation for the company from January 1999 up to date.”
The Arab Contractors Company
“The staff of Horema Ltd, Alexandria was extremely
professional and dedicated during the implementation of the
equested geo-technical projects. In addition, they carried out all the soil investigation with high level of accuracy and speed. heir knowledge was to our full satisfaction.”


Our Prominent local partners include


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